My Sipadan and Kapalai Trip
Pics are not in order, lazy to arrange. Some even not rotated to its proper orientation also. Hehe... never mind lar, still can see lar..... Hope pics can inspire you to join me next time...

White Tip Shark - was against the current so didn't manage to take a good picture despite chasing it...

Closer look of the sea fan coral

Andy and sea fan coral

Moray hiding in the hole...

Clear sky calm sea.... what else can you ask for?

Efren, Dive Instructor at Kapalai

Imagine you are lazing on the balcony in this chalet...

Sunset at Kapalai

Gambateh ne!

Cuties swimming towards challenges...

Turtle releasing - as part of the conservation program, also a big bonus for me to be able to see this...

Slept with all windows wide open without exposing any privacy (unless people on motor boat come near to the chalet...)

Another view to put my into bed...

View out of my bed... heaven on earth!

This is where I took my naps between dives... total relaxation...

I was staying alone in such a big airy room for 2 nights!

Another view of it... big and luxurious huh?

Bathroom in Kapalai

Dive Master Amilson, Dive Instructor Amdy, and another Dive Master Roger - all charming and friendly divers...

The resort where I was, also where exactly Abu Sayap kidnaped the hostages

Me qualified as an Advance Open Water Diver~~~ (with Andy the Dive Instructor)

Sunset at Sipadan

Fish following turtle for its droppings...

Closer view of turtle (was resting peacefully then kacau-ed by me, hehe...)

Turtles swimming freely (only managed to capture 3 of them out of a few more nearby)