Dinner with Yong Hong at Pyramid Zen, 30/09/05
This was Yong Hong's farewell dinner held at Zen, Sunway Pyramid. As of some of you already know, Yong Hong will be going back to his hometown JB end of October to take up his new job. Yong Hong has been very active within the Chong Hwa circle, joining us for movies, yumcha and of course he is also our futsal kaki every Sunday. Yookoo's presence in KL will be sadly missed and we hope he can come up and visit us at least once a month next time! -ThianYong Hong da Man flanked by Doreen and Feigei

All the guys looking great that night

Yong Hong da Man with Thian

From left: Kee Siang, Kia Foo and Chin Hong

Feigei and Doreen looking great

Doreen, Kee Siang and Thian in front of sooo much fooood!