Yumcha with Kemp at Honeybee SS2, 14/10/05
Kemp is back from Melbourne for 2 weeks. As I am writing now, I think kemp is already on his way back to Down Under. Kemp will be pursuing his PhD in xxxx (dunno wat, but i think it's something related to biomedical). Kemp..... i think he is fatter liao..though he claimed he was fatter before he came back to KL. GEEZ!! I can't imagine how fat can that be...because his current situation is already.... hahaha, won't write it here because he will definitely kill me. Anyways, all the best to kempie martin in his studies. Hope we meet again in the near future (Campervanning in NZ next year!! must make that happen!!!) -ThianFrom left: Kemp, Thian, Chin Hong, Qing, Doreen

As usual, the lengluis ever so sweet

3 roses and 2 thorns

Kemp and Thian